Year One

Wow, today is the first anniversary of our move into this house. What a productive year it’s been. We are still eating our own potatoes, onions and garlic that we have already harvested.
We still have carrots in the ground fattening up nicely, along with next years garlic and onions.
Bizarrely our strawberry plants are bursting with fruit again, which is turning a nice colour, albeit a bit slower than in summer.

We ordered a greenhouse 3 weeks ago for our lemon tree, as our makeshift home for it is already too small, and not really insulated enough to are the lemon through the winter.

Our indoor salad crops are looking good, as are our outdoor salad crops, much to our surprise.

We have strews planning our new years produce already, which has meant a few changes to our planters. I will reveal more about that later on.

So hope you have had a successful twelve months, looking forwards to seeing what the next year has in store for us.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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